How to use a Hero Arm

Wondering how a myoelectric arm works?

Super-user, Tilly Lockey, demonstrates how to perform a variety of day-to-day activities with a myoelectric arm like the Hero Arm.

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Switching On

Tilly demonstrates how easy it is to activate the Hero Arm.

Opening and Closing the Fingers

Tilly demonstrates how to operate the Hero Arm. The myoelectric bionic arm detects nerve signals, enabling users to grip and release at will.

Adjusting Wrist & Thumb

Tilly demonstrates how to utilise the Hero Arm’s posable thumb and wrist.

Applying Make-Up

Tilly gives a make-up tutorial, utilising several of the Hero Arm’s six easy-to-select grip types.

Pouring & Drinking Water

Tilly demonstrates how the Hero Arm’s proportional control grip and posable wrist can be used to easily pour and drink water.

Making a Sandwich

Tilly shows how to make a sandwich, using a Hero Arm.

Using a Knife

Tilly shows how the Hero Arm’s ‘Hook’ grip and Freeze Mode can be used to hold a knife and cut a sandwich.


Tilly demonstrates how to hold a pen and write, using the Hero Arm’s Freeze Mode.

Drinking from a Cup

Tilly shows us her preferred method for drinking from a mug, using a Hero Arm.

Picking Up Small Objects

Tilly shows how the Hero Arm’s ‘Tripod’ grip can be used to pick up and place small objects. NOTE: Tilly is demonstrating the smallest hand-size for Hero Arm. Larger hand-sizes have the option of a single-finger pinch grip.

Using a Fork

Tilly shows us how the Hero Arm’s ‘Hook’ grip and Freeze Mode makes it possible to eat with a fork.