
2nd July 2024

My name is Kristin, I became a Quad Amputee after the second round of chemotherapy for stage 4 Burkitt Lymphoma went bad when i went septic, and after life saving efforts all 4 limbs had to be amputated. But i was lucky to be alive and i knew that there was prosthetics that could help me after the long road of healing that had to take place, along with the chemotherapy i had to finish. I was so happy to be alive and when it came time finding Open Bioncs was such a blessing! The Hero Arm has changed my life, along with helping me with eating myself, holding a cup to drink myself, and picking up things, the Hero Arm has helped make walking on my prosthetic legs so much easier because I can grip my cane with my Hero Arm!! It is wild how confident my Hero arm makes me feel while I walk, go up & down stairs, and sit or stand. I didn’t think I would be this far in my recovery but with the help of the people who love me, my physical therapist, OT, my doctors, and prosthetists, the work I’ve done with the Hero Arm, my two leg prosthetics, and hopefully my above elbow amputation will soon join this work load lol this is what has gotten me where i am!! It’s fun to see kids faces light up when they see my Hero Arm and everything it can do, I love showing it off to them, and honestly as many adults are intrigued with my Hero Arm as the Kids are lol. Thank you Open Bionics for giving me back so much more with my Hero Arm that I unfortunately lost, I am so grateful!!