How do I know if the Hero Arm will be right for my limb difference?

19th November 2021

Everyone is unique, we all have our own personalities, our own styles and our own needs. At Open Bionics we are committed to making advanced myoelectric lower-arm prosthetics available to as many in the limb difference community as possible, but people come in all shapes and sizes and the cause and presentation of limb differences vary hugely. This is why at Open Bionics we invests in custom automation, systems, and processes; from initial consultation, through design and production all the way to the fitting of your very own Hero Arm. The Hero Arm has to be as adaptable and unique as you are.

The result is a unique, flexible socket which integrates perfectly with the user, following the curves and contours of the limb exactly.

The Hero Arm has been developed from the outset to be able to accommodate as many limb shapes and presentations as possible. To keep costs affordable for the user, automation and scale are key. The custom automation system we created and use enables each and every Hero Arm to be designed inside and out around an exact model of the user’s residual limb. The system automatically sculpts the socket, internal frames, and personalized covers around the user’s limb, accommodating presentations ranging from partial wrists to very short residuals. The result is a unique, flexible socket which integrates perfectly with the user, following the curves and contours of the limb exactly.

The Hero Arm comes fitted with two EMG sensors as standard, however the arm is also configurable for a single sensor setup. The single sensor setup adds the flexibility to cater for user preference or those with scarring or muscular differences as a result of surgery; allowing those with restricted muscle control access to a fully featured, multi-grip arm.

Comfort is our top priority, each socket is manufactured from a specialist flexible material and features a fluted and vented design which enables the socket to expand, contract, move and breathe with you throughout the day. The Hero Arm also features the Boa system for easy on-the-go fit adjustment with just a turn of a dial. All of these features add up to make the Hero Arm easy to don and doff and remain comfortable all day long.

Beyond the choice of the 52 magnetic prosthetic cover styles available, each Hero Arm is fully configurable to the user’s needs with additional features such as a pull-through hole to allow the use of a donning aid. The Hero Arm is available in both internal or external battery configurations, this choice allows the user to choose how the weight of the arm is distributed and enables even those with the longest of residual limbs to be eligible for a Hero Arm. The Hero Arm comes fitted with two EMG sensors as standard, however the arm is also configurable for a single sensor setup. The single sensor setup adds the flexibility to cater for user preference or those with scarring or muscular differences as a result of surgery; allowing those with restricted muscle control access to a fully featured, multi-grip arm.

Request Hero Arm pricing and a free Hero Arm trial

Open Bionics has produced Hero Arms for people of all age groups and presentations from all causes be they congenital or acquired. Including highly bulbous residual limbs and arms ranging from 48 cm to 18 cm long with widths ranging from 13 cm to 6 cm.

Each potential user is carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis to give you peace of mind that the Hero Arm is the right choice for you, but whatever your presentation, whether you’re 7 or 77 there is a good chance that there is a Hero Arm for you!