Safiyyah und Kaden sind die ersten Superkids, die die offiziellen Peter Parker und Gwen Stacy Spider-Man Cover tragen. Melde dich an, wenn du der erste sein willst, der das Miles Morales-Set trägt!
Wir bieten jetzt Star Wars BB-8, Iron Man und Disney Frozen bionische Armüberzüge für Kinder unter 18 Jahren kostenlos mit jedem Hero Arm an. Der 11-jährige Cameron Millar, die 11-jährige Evie Lambert und Bella gehören zu den ersten, die einen bionischen Hero Arm erhalten haben, der jetzt mit 3D-gedruckten, von Disney inspirierten Covern geliefert wird. Der Hero Arm und die Star Wars-, Marvel- und Disney Frozen-Cover werden mithilfe innovativer 3D-Druck- und 3D-Scan-Techniken individuell angefertigt.
Cameron Millar aus Edinburgh ist 11 Jahre alt und wurde ohne einen rechten Arm geboren. Jetzt hat er neue Star Wars BB-8 Überzüge für seinen Hero Arm. Cameron sagte: „Ich liebe den Hero Arm und diese neuen Bezüge. Ich fühle mich sehr wie Luke Skywalker, meine Lieblingsfigur aus Star Wars, denn auch er hat eine bionische Hand“. Cameron und seine Familie haben seinen Hero Arm in nur drei Wochen per Crowdfunding finanziert.
11-year-old double amputee Bella Tadlock, from Tallahassee, Florida, is a huge Star Wars fan and asked for an R2-D2 Star Wars prosthetic arm. We knew a fan of Bella’s from a galaxy far, far away… and surprised Bella with a Skype call from the one and only Mark Hamill. Luke Skywalker, y’all!
11-year-old Evie Lambert from Huddersfield, was born missing her left arm. She’s struggled with basic skin-like gripper arms offered by the NHS, and has asked Santa for a bionic arm. She recently received a Hero Arm with official Disney Frozen covers. Evie said: “It’s really, really cool to have my bionic arm. I can now pick up a cup and brush my hair with my left hand, which I’ve never been able to do before.” Evie’s Hero Arm was funded by an external anonymous donor.
12-year-old Raimi from Street was born without an arm as a result of amniotic band syndrome. She loves Iron Man and was blown away by her new Iron Man covers for the Hero Arm. Raimi said: “When I first saw my Iron Man covers, I felt amazed. They are very unique and they’re so cool. Before getting my Hero Arm, many people just stared at me in public. But now that I have it, it gives me more confidence.” Open Bionics gifted Raimi with a Hero Arm as a thank you for taking part in the first stage of the NHS trial.
We’re really grateful to Disney, Lucasfilm and Marvel for allowing us to find inspiration from their incredible characters and stories; this has helped us to empower children and adults with limb differences. The Hero Arm Disney covers are easy to take on and off, allowing children to accessorise their bionic arm to match their mood. They can wear their Star Wars BB-8 Covers at school, for example, and then change into their personalised blue Spectrum Covers in the evening. The covers showcase that your uniqueness is your superpower and you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide your limb-difference – instead you can show it off.